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Custom Shooter Ready MYTH

November 4, 2023

Custom Shooter Ready MYTH

It's not very often that something comes into your life and changes the way you have done things for 30+ years and leaves you with egg on your face. Up until April this year I was a die hard 308 fan and don't get me wrong the 308 is a fantastic caliber, but as time goes by t...
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Written by Matt Dunham Rossi rimfires are known for being a good entry level rifle due to their generously low price point. They may not perform as well as a top class rimfire but no one comes close in terms of performance for price. The Rossi I’ve been using is a semi aut...
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Written by Matt Dunham  This week I have been using the Winchester Wildcat semi-auto .22. To start off, it has been a fun week. It is a highly enjoyable gun that I would add to the collection rather than replace any of my current guns and I will explain why. What’s ne...
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